viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

1x08 The Search for Something More


En el capítulo de hoy, después de la fiesta en casa de Dan, Brooke decide arreglar la relación de los Naley preparandoles una cita. Todo va genial hasta que los amigos de Nathan aparecen y la estropean. Cuando parece que Haley ya no va a volver a aceptar las disculpas de Nathan, éste la besa. Y así comienza la mejor historia de amor de One Tree Hill.

En esta escena Nathan vuelve a perdir perdón a Haley por lo de la fiesta y aunque Haley le perdona, decide terminar con lo de las clases:

- I called your house. Your mom said you're here.
- Crap. I should lie to her next time.
- Look, I didn’t know until Brooke read that note, okay? I didn’t even know there was a note until later. I wouldn’t do that to you.
- Okay.
- Great, so…cool?
- No, no.
- Well, you believe me, right?
- Yeah, I believe you’re sorry.
- Well then, what…
- Look, this whole tutoring, hanging out, whatever it is, thing. It’s just a bad idea. I’m done. I’m just done.

La cita que organiza Brooke a los Naley:


- What are you doing here?
- Didn’t Brooke tell you I was going to come?
- I try to block out everything that Brooke says so whatever you guys are up to
- I’m just not in the mood.
- I’m not up to anything. Look, I apologized and I told you the truth. The rest is Brooke. She set up this whole serial date thing. One card leads to the next.
- Well, what does the first one say?
- Convince Haley to go. How am I doing so far?
- I don’t know. It depends on what the second card says.
- Go to 1423 River Street and find your next envelope. On the way, tell three things you like about each other.
- I don’t know…
- Look, I’ll go first. You’re the most patient person I know. You don’t go postal on me during tutoring and you don’t treat me like some kind of a moron. I really appreciate that. Look, I know I have no right to ask,
but we never do anything just fun together. And plus, this is Brooke. I mean, you can bet it’s not gonna be boring.
- I’m free to bail whenever?
- Absolutely. Trust me.
- Okay, what the hell.


- And number three?
- Your loyalty. To Lucas. I know I’m not always wild about how it plays out, but it’s cool.
- Okay, three things I like about you.
- My good look.
- I like the way you let me in, past all the bluster you give everybody else. And I like your smile when you solve a problem. And… you’re not horrible to look at. This is where we’re going?
- Nice work, Brooke.


- This would go a lot faster if you helped.
- I’m gonna kill Brooke.
- Okay, here it is. Congratulations. Now, buy each other a gift and exchange them on the way to…there’s another address here.
- This is so wrong.
- You want to do it?
- I didn’t say that…Lets shop.
- Did you see what that saleswoman was wearing?
- Or not wearing.
- Here. You go first.
- Alright. Socks.
- I was playing it safe.
- What did you get me?
- Open it and see.
- Oh my gosh. This is really nice. Thanks.
- Okay. If we go to this next place and we hate it, then we can just get some pizza, alright?
- Okay.


- Here you go, Miss..Sir.
- Thanks…
- To be honest, I’m a little afraid.
- Order your favorite dish for the other person.
- Any chance your favorite dish it… prime rib?
- Yeah, we have a lot of that at my house.
- I’m not very experienced with this so, uh…
- Ordering food?
- No. I mean, with Peyton, it was all just parties and games and drama.
I never really did anything like this. This is different.
- Different… good? Different weird?
- No, good.
- Okay.
- I’m really glad you decided to come.


- I thought you’d be into lobster.
- Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the gods.
- Yeah, if the gods are five year olds.
- Ready for this next envelope?
- Yes.
- Reveal a secret that nobody else knows about you.
- Okay.
- When I was in second grade, I stole some candy.
- Come on, that’s not a secret. Tell me for something to real.
- I cheated on a Geometry test last year.
- Haley James cheated?
- Yeah. My dad was out of town and um, my mom was sick and I had to take care of her so I didn’t really have time to study. 
- Did you get caught?
- No. That wasn't the point. I mean, I knew what I had done and that didn’t sit right for me.
- So you started tutoring?
- Yeah. I guess I thought it would be like, penance, or something. But it turns out I really liked it. I thought it was just to get to me.
- So, what about you? What’s your… secret?
- What’s up, Nathan?
- Hey.
- What’s up, guys?
- What’s this?
- Well, you know Haley’s my tutor, right?
- Looks more like a date to me.
- No, dude, it’s definitely not a date.
- Okay. If that’s your story.
 - Hey, I’m sorry about that.
- Are you really that embarrassed to be seen with me?
- No. He just, he was gonna-
- Why are you only nice to me when we’re alone? You know, for a few hours there I was actually starting to think that you weren’t a son of a bitch and you just, God, fooled me again.
- No! Haley, wait.

La escena del primer beso de los Naley:


- Trying to wake up my parents? That’s their room.
- Wait! Haley, look, I need to apologize, okay?
- You should write them in bulk if you’re going to hand apologies out that often.
- Can we just- I don’t know how to do this, alright? I’m not like you.
- What does that mean?
- I screw up a lot, alright? And being around you, I just, I don’t want to be that guy anymore.
- Well who do you want to be, Nathan?
- I want to be someone who’s good enough to be seen with you.
- Well you should’ve thought of that last night. You know, I keep putting myself out there, and you keep blowing it, it’s probably a good thing because at this point there’s nothing you could say or do that’s gonna surprise me.................Except that. You shouldn’t have done that, Nathan.
- I wanted to.
- Yeah.

La escena donde Nathan hace oficial su relación con Haley:

- Bye… Sorry.
- What up, Nathan?
- Haley!

Otro de mis capítulos favoritos de los Naley de la primera temporada. La cita que les organiza Brooke me parece muy original y divertida. Con la frase de Nathan:  " I want to be someone who’s good enough to be seen with you  " y el gesto de la escena final, me enamore perdidamente de Nathan. Es taaaan mono...

Buen fin de semana a todos. El lunes más...


4 comentarios:

  1. Me encantaaaaaaaaa "Dare you to move" acompañado de su primer beso. Son geniales. Si me gusta un capítulo de los Naley en la temporada 1 es este :D

  2. Diooos!! es verdad, quería haberlo puesto y se me chifla esa canción, ya la haía visto en otra serie y cuando sonó aquí y además en esta escena casi me da algo jejejeje

  3. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con q si hay q elegir un capitulo d la primera temporada seria este. Tmb hay q añadir la gran cita q prepara brooke despues de haber estopeaddo todo en l capitulo anterior

  4. AAAAAy acabo de ver el capítulo, porque lo de antes lo comenté sin haberlo visto, solo de lo que me acordaba y he de decir que esta es la tercera vez que veo la serie, y cada vez me gustan más los Naley, es que se me ha acelerao el corazón y to con el pensar lo que les queda por pasar juntos...uffff

    Mira que la primera vez que vi la serie no me llamaban mucho la atención aunque la 2 y 3 temporada me encantaran, y en especial ese Nathan de la temporada 2, tan decaído porque no estaba Haley...qué bombón! jajaja pero ya digo...cada vez con más vena Naley que estoy <3 así que me iré pasando a menudo por aquí para comentar todo lo que pase entre ellos

    Aunque al final del día siga siendo de Brooke hasta la muerte, sóla o acompañada xD
