lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

1x09 With Arms Outstretched


En este capítulo Nathan ,debido a la fuerte presión a la que se ve sometido por parte de su padre y el entrenador, se ve forzado a consumir afetaminas para rendir más en el próximo partido. Durante el capítulo vemos como discute tanto con el entrenador como con Haley. Pero después de desmayarse durante el partido, Nathan va a buscar a Haley para pedirle disculpas y mientras tanto Whitey decide cancelar el baloncesto hasta nuevo aviso.

Estas son las escenas Naley del capítulo:

Esta primera en el instituto:


- Haley.
- Mmm, we can’t do this here right now.
- We just did…Alright, I’ll kiss you later.

Ésta también tiene lugar en el instituo, pero con Nathan bajo el efecto de las drogas:


- Very funny.
- Hey, are you okay? Lucas said you had some trouble at practice yesterday.
- Lucas needs to mind his own business. We got a game coming up, that’s all. I just get a little intense.
- Are you, uh, okay? You’re shaking, Nathan.
- My heart’s racing too. That’s what happens when I’m around you. So your house tonight, right? Tutoring?
- Are you sure you’re okay?
- Yeah, I’m fine. I just- I had a bad day yesterday. See you tonight.
- Yeah.

El enfado de Haley:


- Nathan. Are you going to pace all night, or can we get started?
- Are these all your brothers and sisters?
- Yeah. I’m the youngest. I don’t think my parents know what to do with the silence.
- So a month ago, did you think we’d be alone in your bedroom?
- Oh, but we’re not alone in my bedroom. We have the forefathers with us.
- They can watch.
- Nathan, can you just get serious for a minute?
- Oh, I’m serious. Come here.
- My parents could come home.
- Come on…
- Nathan, come on, stop it.
- Come on…
- Don’t… Hey!
- What?
- God… I think you should go.
- You’re kidding, right? Haley…Alright, Haley, I’m sorry. We can study, it’s fine.
- I’d like you to go.
- Unbelievable.

Escena justo antes del partido en la que Nathan y Haley discuten:


- Nathan!
- Not now, Haley.
- Okay, after the game, can we get some food and talk?
- Haley, I said not now, okay?
- Why are you being like this?
- Because I can, okay? That’s how it works. People are mean, life’s a bitch.
- What is your problem?
- What’s my problem? My problem’s on the other side of the wall. And in five minutes, if I’m not perfect, they’re going to eat me alive. That’s my problem.

La escena en casa de Haley cuando Nathan va a decirle lo mucho que la necesita:


- Hey, its me. I guess I’m just worried about you. I really hate the way we ended things.
- So do I. Nobody answered the door.
- They’re gone for the weekend. How are you?
- Not so good. Can I...I made a lot of mistakes, Haley. Sometimes because of my dad, sometimes by choice. I just can’t do it anymore.
- It’s okay…
- No. No, it’s not okay. I’m not okay. I lived for tonight. I was so scared. I’m still terrified. Then I saw you. I promised myself that if I could just get up, and walk over to you, and tell you how much I need you, and how much I want you, that nothing else matters.

- Haley...Can I stay with you for tonight?

Lo que me gusta de este capítulo es que lo primero que hace Nathan al despertarse es ir a casa de Haley a pedirle perdón. Se ve que siente algo muy fuerte por ella y que es importante para él. Es tan bonito lo que le dice, un romántico en potencia jejejeje

Esta semana voy a estar un poco liada, porque el viernes tengo examen y voy a estar gran parte del día en la biblioteca asi que intentaré actualizar lo antes posible. Suerte a los que tengais exámenes ahora.
Mañana más.


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