lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

1x19 How Can You Be Sure?


En el capítulo de hoy, Nathan ve el tatuaje de Haley y se asusta porque se da cuenta de que él significa mucho para ella y siente que está presionandola.

La escena donde Nathan descubre el tatuaje:

- Hey you, wake up.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I didn’t even hear you come in.
- Well you didn’t hear your alarm clock either.
- That’s cause it didn’t go off. Everybody gets up at six. Geez.
- Well, time to get up.
- I am up. Come here.
- Oh yeah? Oh, I’ll get that. You want me to start your shower?
- Uh, yeah. Thanks.
- Okay.

Nathan le dice a Haley que ha visto el tatuaje:

- You hungry?
- Oh, I’m hungry for you.
- No I’m serious. We can heat something up, or go out and eat if you want to.
- What’s wrong?
- Nothing, I’m just hungry.
- I don’t buy it. Talk to me.
- I just don’t feel like making out, that’s all.
- You realize you just said that, right? Since when?
- Since you got my jersey number tattooed on your ass.
- Oh. Above my ass, actually. When did you see that?
- This morning.
- Does that bother you?
- I’m just confused as hell. I mean you’ll do something that permanent, but you won’t have sex with me?
- You can get a tattoo removed, Nathan. Sex is a really big deal for me.
- I get that. That’s why I haven’t been pressuring you into it.
- The way you’re not pressuring me right now.
- I’m going to heat up some food.

Haley pide perdón a Nathan porque piensa que no es justo para él:

- Hey.
- Hey.
- Are you kidding?
- I’ve got to sell the car to pay for the apartment.
- What is your dad going to say?
- He can say whatever he wants, it’s still my car.
- You know, if you need some extra money I could always be your sugar mama. What’s wrong?
- Nothing, it’s just I’m... You said you weren’t ready so I’m trying to respect that.
- So we can’t even kiss now?
- No, I’m just trying to make you comfortable.
- I’m sorry, Nathan, I know this is so not fair to you.
- No. Actually it’s not fair to you.
- I just...
- Just, don’t apologize, okay?

El primer Te quiero de los Naley:

- Nathan, I know I’m driving you crazy.
- No you’re not.
- Do you think that I’m a tease?
- Stop it.
- Well what do you think?
- I think that you’re my girlfriend, and I like to spend time with you. Look I just don’t want to push you.
- You’re not.
- But I am. Haley, you got a tattoo for god sakes. It just freaks me out a little bit, because obviously this whole thing with us means a lot to you. I just don’t want to do anything to pressure you. Or drive you away. Even though sometimes I can’t help it. Just like I can’t help that I fell in love with you. Cause I did. I love you, Haley. And it scares me, a little bit, but, there it is.
- Wow. There it is. I love you too.

Este capítulo me gusta especilmente porque por fin los Naley se dicen "te quiero". Ya se veía que estaban enamorados pero por primera vez Nathan tiene claro sus sentimientos y aunque está asustado porque nunca había sentido esto por nadie, lo exterioriza diciendo ese bonito Te quiero. !Qué monos!

Al final no pude actualizar este fin de semana asi que no se si me dará tiempo a terminar la primera temporada antes de irme, pero haré todo lo posible.

Mañana más.



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