viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

1x13 Hanging By A Moment


En el capítulo de hoy Haley tiene un problema con la clase de gimnasia y como Lucas está ocupado, Nathan se ofrece a ayudarla con sus tiros libres. Por otro lado Nathan descubre que el entrenador se va a ir y decide investigar sobre él para recordarle que ha sido alguien importante para todos. Más tarde después de que Haley vea a Lucas besando a Peyton, en una discusión Lucas le echa en cara que ella es la única que ha traicionado a alguien por estar con Nathan.

La primera escena Haley tiene una pesadilla con la clase de gimnasia:

- Okay folks, this is it. Haley James steps to the line with a flawless 4.0 GPA hanging in the balance. She’s going to need this free throw to pass Phys-Ed. Otherwise, her perfect grade point average is history.
- Come on, Hales. You can do it.
- Don’t miss it, tutor girl.

Muy gracioso el sueño de Haley, su mejor amigo y su novio son unos ases del baloncesto y ella por lo contrario...jajajaja

Nathan descubre lo mala que es al baloncesto Haley y se ofrece a ayudarla:


- Was that your jump shot? Cause if that was your jump shot, I can’t date you anymore. My mom said you’d be here. Something about a grade?
- Yeah. You cannot be here right now.
- Why not?
- Because I look stupid.
- You realize I’ve seen you in that crocheted poncho thing you wear, right?
- Come on this is embarrassing! I want you to think I’m… not embarrassing.
- You don’t embarrass me, Haley.
- Oh yeah? Okay.
- Okay, I take that back.
- I can’t do it.
- Yes you can. Just... Alright, square your shoulders, to the basket. And you’ve got to bring the ball up right past your nose like this. Okay? Bend your knees a little. Relax your hips. And just shoot. Okay, that wasn’t perfect but it also wasn’t embarrassing. It was actually kind of sexy.

En esta escena Nathan ayuda a Haley:

Today’s the day, I still suck.
Come on, it’s alright. Just keep your elbows in.
What’s this?
Hey, dad. I’m just giving Haley a few pointers.
I’ll bet.
- Haley.
- Mr. Scott.
So Nathan, I thought we’d grill up some steaks at the beach house for dinner. Just the two of us.
That sounds great, Dad. But... Haley and I have plans tonight.
Some other time, huh?
Sure. I heard you were back on the team. I think that’s a good move.
How’s my house?
I’m sorry. You should go with your dad tonight, if you want.
I don’t want to go with my dad. I want to be with you.
Now knock down this shot like I know you can.
It’s okay. This calls for drastic measures.
You’re going to be fine. Try it granny style.

Nathan pide ayuda a Haley con la historia de Whitey:


- Hey. I so owe you.
- Good, cause I need a favor.

En esta escena Haley y Nathan buscan información sobre el entrenador:


- Hey, did you know that Whitey’s real name is Brian?
- Brian Durham?
- Yeah!
- Who knew?
- Come here, this is great. This site’s got his whole record before Tree Hill.
- That’s perfect.
- I’m gonna go get something to drink, do you want anything?
- No I’m fine, thanks.

La escena de la discusión entre Lucas y Haley:


- What about the person you’re becoming?
- What does that mean?
- You know what it means, Haley. Nathan says a few nice things to you to get back at me and you fall for it.
- Oh my God! If I hear that one more time. You know that I did that for you.
- You did it for me?!
- Yeah.
- Okay, is that what you tell yourself every time you’re kissing him? That you’re doing it for me? You’re the one that’s lying. Alright, if you’re looking for betrayal, look to yourself.
- You know what, Luke? Next time you see me, don’t talk to me.
- Fine!
- Fine!

Me parece super injusto lo que dice Lucas...él intenta quitar importancia a lo que él ha hecho, que no ha estado nada bien, echando en cara a Haley que este saliendo con Nathan. Y más ahora que parece que ya habían empezado a llevarse bien los hermanos.
Esta escena va a tener mucho que ver en el desarrollo del capítulo siguiente...


Haley le cuenta a Nathan lo ocurrido con Lucas:

- I had a little disagreement with Lucas.
- About me?
- No...just the way he’s been acting, he’s really disappointing me. What?
- Nothing, it’s just kind of ironic.
- What’s ironic?
- Lucas, being a jerk.
- How is that… how is that ironic?
- Well, cause that used to be my role, right? I mean this whole thing started cause I was just trying to mess with Lucas. It’s just kind of weird, that’s all.

Esta escena también va a dar mucho de sí...

Y esto es todo por el capítulo de hoy.

Buen fin de semana a todos. Hasta el lunes.


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