jueves, 16 de junio de 2011

1x12 Crash Course in Polite Conversations


En el capítulo de hoy tiene lugar en casa de los Scott una cena por el cumpleaños de Dan a la que acuden: Dan, Deb, los padres de Dan, Keith, Whitey, Nathan y Haley. Y cuando parecía que la situación de la familia no podía ir a peor, se descubre el mayor secreto guardado por Dan: Dan no dejó el baloncesto por su lesión de rodilla, abandonó por la presión a la que estaba sometido.

En la primera escena del capítulo Nathan invita a Haley a la cena:

- So this dinner thing’s gonna be pretty bad, huh?
- Massacre. My Grandma’s okay. It’s just my Grandpa’s pretty intense. You’ve met my dad. Just imagine where he comes from.
- Scary.
- Yeah. You  should come tonight. Maybe it will make everybody behave.
- I’ll come if you want me to.
- No, I wasn’t serious. I wouldn’t put you through that.
- No I mean, if you’re asking, of course my answer’s yes.
- Well, then I’m asking.
- Well then I’m coming.

Todas las escenas de la cena en casa de los Scott:

- Grandpa, Grandma, this is Haley.
- Oh Haley.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
- Well, Nathan, you’re looking more and more like your old man every day. We all know where he gets his good looks, don’t we? Well, come on in. You sit right here next to me, hun.
- Thank You.
- I’ll get it.
- Oh my goodness, Whitey! Good to see you.
- Good evening everybody. Sorry I’m late
- Glad you came?
- Yeah.
- So, how’s the team doing this year, Whitey?
- Oh we’re still undefeated actually. Dad, you still rooting for the Magic these days?
- Please! No talk of sports until after dinner, okay?
- Good idea mom. Sorry.
- Well, Nathan, what are you averaging these days? You know your dad had 27 and a half a game. You beat that yet?
- Royal, we just said…
- I’m asking the boy a question, May.
- Uh well maybe you should ask the old man.
- 24 points a game I think, isn’t it?
- So, 24 a game huh? You’re gonna have to get that up if you’re going to beat the old man. Yeah, your dads star would have risen through the roof at Carolina if it wasn’t for that damn knee of his. How’re your knees?
- No worries.
- Oh, he’s got great knees.
- Uh huh. Of course Danny takes after his old man. Never let adversity stop him. Too bad Keith takes after his mothers side of the family.
- Lucky for him.
- I’d drink to that, but I have to get a refill.
- Well, I should see about the cake.
- I’ll go do that, Mrs. Scott. Want to come help?
- Yeah, the cake, right. I warned you, it was going to be intense.
- Oh, insane is more like it.
- You know, there’s a door right there. We could sneak out, nobody would even notice.
- Tempting. Um, so how often do your grandparents come into town?
- Couple times a year. Why? Haley, you’ve got that look.
- What look?
- The look you get when you want to tell me something but you don’t really want to tell me.
- No I don’t, and you shouldn’t know that look yet.
- What is it?
- Your grandfather came by the café today. And he asked for Karen.
- He did?
- Yeah. I just kind of got the feeling like they’ve been keeping in touch.
- Does Lucas know?
- No, they’ve never even met. But your grandfather asked about him.
- That doesn’t make any sense. My grandpa acts like my dad’s a second coming, why would he visit Karen?
- I don’t know, I don’t want to start anything, I’m just telling you.
- You know what? My family’s so screwed up, nothing new would make a difference right now. Don’t worry about it.
- There you go! So, Nate. How’s your game this year?
- Here we go again.
- Just cover your ears, May, I just want to know how my grandson’s doing on the team.
- Well I already told you, dad.
- No you didn’t, you didn’t tell me jack. And every time I mention it you change the damn subject. Now will somebody around here tell me what’s going on? Nathan? Whitey? Anybody?
- Nathan, I think you better take this one.
- I quit the team, alright?
- You quit the… what do you mean you quit the team?
- He didn’t quit the team dad, he’s just taking some time off.
- No, he’s not. Please stop lying, Dan.
- Were you ever going to tell me this? I mean that’s a hell of a thing to keep to yourself.
- Yeah, you’re one to talk.
- What’s that supposed to mean?
- I know you visit Karen at the café, alright? What’s that about?
- Nathan!
- That’s none of your damn business. I guess somebody’s got a big mouth.
- You shut up, Grandpa
- Don’t you talk to me like that.
- Back off, Royal. I’ve had enough of your crap. Nathan is not the problem.
- Would someone please explain?
- Dan has been riding Nathan for the past 6 years about that damn game.
- Deb stop.
- Riding him so hard, that Nathan took drugs so that he could measure up.
- Drugs?
- Until he had to be rushed to the hospital. He could have died because of this insane pressure to put a ball through a hoop. But none of that is my sons fault, Royal. It’s your sons.
- Danny. You of all people. How dare you! You know how much you hated it when your daddy bullied you to be better.
- I  never bullied him.
- And when you wanted a way out, I gave you one. All these years. I protected you. I lied for you. And now you’re doing the same thing to your son?
- What lie? What are you talking about?
- In college. His knee injury. It wasn’t permanent. Danny quit. And I helped him.
- What do you mean, he quit?
- It’s not like that, dad.
- Oh stop it, Dan. It’s time the truth came out.
- Will somebody tell me what in knee hell is going on here?
- You were on the road when Danny hurt his knee. So we lied.
- You told me it was degenerative knee condition…
- It was Dad, it was...
- You looked me in the eye and told me that.
- Don’t you see, Royal? He was never going to be the star that you wanted him to be. You just couldn’t see that. The boy had two choices. To fail in front of you or to quit. Either way he lost.
- So you just quit. Without even being man enough to own up to it.
- There’s more to the story, dad. You don’t know the whole story!
- I’ve had enough.
- Me too. Come on, Haley. I’ll take you home.
- Thanks for dinner.
- Well, I can show myself out. Thank you, May. Deb. Happy Birthday, Danny.
- Danny, don’t you…
- Why?
- Well, I guess I’ll do the dishes.

En esta escena Nathan acompaña a Haley a casa después de la cena:

- Sorry you had to see that.
- Oh, it’s okay. It helped me understand you.
- You know, growing up, there were just certain things that were just carved into stone. And the main one was that Dan Scott would have been a pro if he didn’t blow out his knee. So, all this time, he just has been feeding me this line of crap about how great he would have been. And how I’d never be as good as him. Bastard.
- At least you know the truth though, right?
- I just don’t know what to do with it.
- Okay, goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- I’m here if you need me, okay? 
- Hey, remember how I said “My family’s so screwed up, nothing new would make a difference”?
- Yeah.
- I was wrong.

A la mañana siguiente Nathan le confiesa a Haley que tiene que volver al equipo:

- Hey.
- Hey.
- Grandma’s making breakfast. Show starts at 9. You in?
- Um, as fun as last night was, I think I’m going to pass. You know, I’ve been thinking. Now that you know the truth about your dad, you’re free, right? I mean, he’s been lying to you all this time. You don’t have to listen to him anymore. There’s no more pressure.
- Yeah, I wish that were true.
- What do you mean?
- My dad walked away, and his father will never forgive him for that. I have to go back.
- Nathan, I…
- I have to beat him, Haley. It’s the only way I’m ever going to be free of my dad. It has to be in here.

Ya de vuelta en el instituto Nathan vuelve a los entrenamientos:

Bueno y esto es todo lo referente a los Naley del capítulo de hoy. Decir que me da mucha pena la escena en la que Nathan le dice a Haley que se equivocaba cuando dijo que nada podía empeorar las cosas en su familia. Me gusta mucho también la mirada de la escena final, parece que Nathan se va a la guerra o algo así...jajaja yo creo que con esta escena nos quieren decir que Haley le va a apoyar siempre, sea cual sea las decisiones que tome en su vida, en este caso con la vuelta al equipo.
Mañana más.

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