miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

1x01 Pilot


En este primer capítulo realmente no hay ningún momento Naley. Aunque Haley sabe perfectamente quien es Nathan por ser el hermanastro de su mejor amigo, Lucas; Nathan en cambio, todavía no la conoce.

En la siguiente escena, Haley hace referencia a Nathan por primera vez:

-So, Nathan challenged you. Are you gonna play him?
-I don't know. It's not like I have anything to prove.
-Yeah, I guess. But don't you just want to show him sometimes -- oh, damn! What is up?! I was attacked by a flock of crows last week. I'm totally serious!
- By the way, it's a murder.
- What?
-More than one crow is a murder
-I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
-A parliament of owls, an exultation of larks, a murder of crows.
-I think that is why people think you're weird, right there.
-Ah. I would like to show him sometimes, though, what a mistake he's made.
-Mostly for mom... And... sometimes for me.
-So, Luke, what are ravens -- I mean, more than one?
-An  unkindness.

Y en ésta vuelve a hablar de él con Lucas, aunque esta vez es Lucas el que lo nombra:

- Wow.
- Yeah.
-This place looks great.
-Thanks. I just finished putting up the lights. Miniature golf is never going to be the same. Your mom is worried. She's downstairs with keith picking through her past.
-Do you think I’m being selfish playing Nathan?
-Do you?
-A little bit.
-I mean, if I walked away, then my mom wouldn't be downstairs worried about it now.
-You know, I don't say things like this very often 'cause it sounds weird, but...you're a really good guy, and I'm glad we're friends. But you and your mom worry too damn much.

Y más o menos eso es todo lo referente a los Naley en el primer capítulo.


2 comentarios:

  1. Que bonitooo!!!! si pones hasta las escenas!!! Yo no era muy adoradora de Nathan hasta mediada temporada, pero Haley me ha encantado siempre. Es la "mejor persona" de Tree Hill <3

    Sigue así, este blog va a ser algo grande :D

  2. jejejejeje gracias Rocío.

    Yo también opino eso de Haley, creo que ha ido sacando lo mejor de cada personaje a lo largo de la serie. Primero a Nathan, Peyton y luego, junto con Lucas, a Brooke.

