jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

1x07 Life in a Glass House


En este capítulo Dan Scott organiza una fiesta en su casa. Aunque Haley no está invitada, acaba apareciendo para llevar unos pasteles del Café de Karen. Una vez allí, Haley se enfada con Nathan después de que Brooke bromease con una nota que le había escrito. Haley que había confesado a Lucas que sentía algo por Nathan, se siente engañada y estúpida, a pesar de que Nathan afirma que no sabía  nada de lo de la nota.

Aquí van las escenas Naley del capítulo de hoy:

En la primera escena Naley del capítulo, Haley le da a Nathan una caja con todo lo necesario para estudiar incluida la famosa nota:


- Oh, this is so stupid. What-why do we have to study history anyway?
- So we’re not doomed to repeat it.
- What?
- Look, don’t lose hope, okay? Tomorrow’s a teacher’s work day so you’ve got a three-day weekend to study.
- Minus my dad’s annual kiss-his-ass jamboree. Hey, I would invite you, Haley, but it’s kind of a b-ball crowd.
- Oh, please, come on. Like I want to kiss your dad’s ass anyway.
- Yeah.
- I made you a study guide. And, everything you need to ace your history exam…
is right in this little box of tricks here-NoDoz, eye drops, number-two pencils.
- Why don’t you just text message me the answers.
- Oh! No. So, um, just give me a call if you need anything, okay? Thanks for cutting Lucas some slack.
- A deal’s a deal, right?
- Right.

En esta escena, vemos como Peyton da vía libre a Haley para salir con Nathan:


- Look, it’s not like you need my permission or anything, but if you like Nathan, it’s totally cool. Just be really careful.
- Be careful. Yes, I know. You told me.

La escena en la que por fin Haley confiesa a su mejor amigo lo que siente por Nathan:

- We need to talk.
- Well, could we do both at the same time.
-Yeah. Uh, okay, you’re not gonna like this. In fact…you’re gonna hate this. But I feel that I should tell you in the interest of full friendship disclosure.
- Yeah, right. What could be worse than you tutoring Nathan, huh? You like him.
- Luke, do not freak out on me, okay? I can’t help it any more then you can.
- I don’t like him!
- I’m talking about you and Peyton. We  don’t decide who we like. We just-it happens.
- Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?
- I’m not getting myself into anything. I am thinking about maybe getting into something that is never gonna happen anyway, so-
- But what could you possibly like in the guy, huh?
- Different stuff. We connect. Yes, he can be a total ass sometimes but I’m telling you, it’s just a defense mechanism. He really opens up with me, Lucas.
- You know how I feel about it.
- And I’m sorry for that. I am.
- But I get it, all right? I understand.
- Okay.
- Just do me a favor, okay? Just-
- Be careful?
- I wish everybody would stop saying that.

Ésta es la escena de la fiesta de Dan, donde Brooke se inventa el rumor de la nota:


- Haley?
- Hey! Um, I’m not crashing. I promise. Your mom just wanted some cakes.
- Cakes?
- Yeah. It’s a long story. She invited me to stay and I sort of had a brain freeze
and said "sure"…and it’s probably really weird. I’m actually gonna leave.
- No, no, no. I’m glad you came.
- Really?
- Yeah. I mean, I’d even study right now. It’d be a hell of a lot more fun than this suck-fest.
- Sorry. I’m off-duty.
- Well, then let me get you a drink.

- Tutor girl!
- It’s Haley.
- Brooke…
- Haley, right. Nathan’s own personal little care package. Everything’s starting to make so much more sense now. You two are adorable. What was my favorite part? "Believing you’ll do well is half the battle…" You know, Tutor Girl’s little love note you passed around earlier the one that said, "Call me if you need anything… at all."
- All right, Haley, I...
- Stay away from me.

- Games are getting old, Brooke.

Más tarde en el Café de Karen, Haley le cuenta a Lucas lo que ha ocurrido en la fiesta:


- Haley? Hey, Hales! Is this floor taken?
- You know, just this once, I deserve a big, fat "I told you so."
- Well, you won’t get it from me. What happened?
- Exactly what you told me was gonna happen. I started believing that he wasn’t terrible, and he proved me wrong. Once again, the smart girl is really stupid.
- Hey, hey. You are not stupid.
- Thanks. Well, at least things are working out for one of us. It looks like you and Peyton are headed in the right direction.
- Well, if it’ll make you feel better, that lasted all of about five minutes.
- It doesn’t make me feel any better. Well, welcome back.
- To where?
- Normal.
- Yeah. They can have their world. Come on. Let me help you close up.
- No, thanks. I’ll do it. I just… I just want to be alone for a little while, okay? I’ll be fine. I’ll be okay. I’m okay.
- All right.

Al final del capítulo, Nathan va a ver a Haley para contarle que él no ha tenido nada que ver en la broma de Brooke:

- Hey. Can I come in? Haley, I didn’t know. Come on. Please, you got to believe me.

Y eso es todo en Life in a glass house.
Me da mucha pena lo que les pasa a Haley y a Nathan; la primera porque cuando creía que él no era un cretino se da cuenta de que se equivoca, y Nathan porque para una vez que no hace nada se lleva todas las culpas; y me fastidia que sea por culpa de Brooke, uno de mis personajes favoritos. Aunque por suerte todo está a punto de cambiar. Con ganas del capitulo de mañana...

Mañana más.


1 comentario:

  1. Opino totalmente igual q tu, en lo ultimo q as escrito. A mi tmb me enknta brooke, xo en este capitulo me parece una persona horrible, menos mal q logose combierte en la gran persona q s aoa.
