Después de la pelea del día anterior, Nathan va a pedir perdón a Haley. Haley le perdona y decide que su primera vez sea esa noche después del partido. Aunque como había prometido, espera a estar casada para ello.
Nathan va a pedir perdón a Haley:
- Nathan, you’re soaked. What are you doing?
- I just went for a run to clear my head, I guess this is where I ended up. Look, Haley, the picture of Peyton didn’t mean anything, okay?
- It did to me. Clearly you still have feelings for her.
- I saved that picture back when we were still dating. The other ones too, you can go back and look. Her web cam hasn’t even been in her closet for months.
- Why didn’t you tell me that last week?
- Because, I should have deleted those images a long time ago. I just felt bad because I didn’t do it.Besides, Haley, I don’t want Peyton. I want you.
- Is that it?
- You know, my pride says yeah, that’s it. Just walk away and let Haley deal with the fact that she’s clearly threatened by a sexual relationship. But my heart says, just forget about your pride you idiot. You love this girl. And even if you’re going to catch pneumonia, your ass is going to stand out here in the rain till you convince her to forgive you. So come on, Hales, just meet me half way here?
- Why should I?
- Because I’m sorry. Because I love you. And Because you’re looking really hot standing out here in the rain, and I’m thinking, I have to kiss you.
- Well, if you have to.
- I just went for a run to clear my head, I guess this is where I ended up. Look, Haley, the picture of Peyton didn’t mean anything, okay?
- It did to me. Clearly you still have feelings for her.
- I saved that picture back when we were still dating. The other ones too, you can go back and look. Her web cam hasn’t even been in her closet for months.
- Why didn’t you tell me that last week?
- Because, I should have deleted those images a long time ago. I just felt bad because I didn’t do it.Besides, Haley, I don’t want Peyton. I want you.
- Is that it?
- You know, my pride says yeah, that’s it. Just walk away and let Haley deal with the fact that she’s clearly threatened by a sexual relationship. But my heart says, just forget about your pride you idiot. You love this girl. And even if you’re going to catch pneumonia, your ass is going to stand out here in the rain till you convince her to forgive you. So come on, Hales, just meet me half way here?
- Why should I?
- Because I’m sorry. Because I love you. And Because you’re looking really hot standing out here in the rain, and I’m thinking, I have to kiss you.
- Well, if you have to.
Después de la reconciliación Haley decide perder su virginidad:
- Want a towel?
- Yes.
- Well that was a nice walk.
- Yeah.
- What? Haley.
- No, it’s okay. It’s okay.
Haley decide que su primera vez sea después del partido:
- I know you are. What if we’re not good together? What if it drives us apart?
- It won’t. Look, Haley, I want to be with you. And if you don’t want to be with me, I guess I understand, but, this isn’t going to change anything.
- Tonight then. After the game.
- It won’t. Look, Haley, I want to be with you. And if you don’t want to be with me, I guess I understand, but, this isn’t going to change anything.
- Tonight then. After the game.
Haley está triste porque Lucas se marcha, pero decide continuar con lo que había planeado:
- Hey.
- Sorry about the game.
- Yeah.
- Hales, don’t cry. Haley, we don’t have to do this tonight.
- No, no I want to. More than ever.
- You sure?
- Yeah. No regrets.
- Sorry about the game.
- Yeah.
- Hales, don’t cry. Haley, we don’t have to do this tonight.
- No, no I want to. More than ever.
- You sure?
- Yeah. No regrets.
Lucas va a despedirse de Haley y recibe la noticia de que Nathan y ella se han casado:
- Hey, is Haley here? I promised her I’d see her before I left.
- Yeah, come on in.
- Nathan, where’s your sweatshirt?
- It’s in the bathroom.
- Hey.
- Hey, um, you know, I’m sorry to...I just wanted to say goodbye.
- No, no it’s okay. I didn’t want you to go without...
- No, I’m sorry. I’m just going to go.
- No, Lucas, please don’t.
- Haley! It’s cool, I just... I thought you weren’t ready. I thought that you were going to wait until you got married. I mean, I just figured...I didn’t expect you to...
- Well we did. We did wait.
- What are you talking about, Haley?
- Yeah, come on in.
- Nathan, where’s your sweatshirt?
- It’s in the bathroom.
- Hey.
- Hey, um, you know, I’m sorry to...I just wanted to say goodbye.
- No, no it’s okay. I didn’t want you to go without...
- No, I’m sorry. I’m just going to go.
- No, Lucas, please don’t.
- Haley! It’s cool, I just... I thought you weren’t ready. I thought that you were going to wait until you got married. I mean, I just figured...I didn’t expect you to...
- Well we did. We did wait.
- What are you talking about, Haley?
- We got married last night.
Otro de los grandes capítulos Naley de la primera temporada. La escena bajo la lluvia es preciosa, además con todo lo que ha significado la lluvia para los Naley. Pero la que de verdad me encanta es la escena final cuando le dicen a Lucas que se han casado, se les ve super felices a los dos. Es verdad que son jóvenes y no es lo normal casarse a esa edad, pero ¿por qúe no?...Hay gente que se casa después de muchos años y acaba separándose. Nunca sabes cuando vas a encontrar al amor de tu vida, y una vez que lo has encontrado, por qué esperar. A lo mejor no soy objetiva, pero es que es tan bonita su historia de amor.
Bueno ahora si que sí, hasta el día 10 no creo que pueda actualizar así que ese día empezaré con la segunda temporada.