viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

1x18 To Wish Impossible Things


En el capítulo de hoy tiene lugar la subasta anual "Boy Toy" de los Ravens para recaudar dinero. Haley puja por Lucas porque hace mucho que no pasa tiempo con él y cuando ve que muchas chicas quieren pujar por Nathan, presta dinero a Peyton para que lo escoja ella. Las chicas tienen a su disposición al subastado hasta medianoche, cuando después de un beso vuelven a ser libres.

Peyton puja por Nathan con ayuda de Haley:


- Alright, we’re down to our last boy toy, so loosen up those purse strings, pucker up those lips and remember, this is for a good cause. You’re on, Nathan. Okay, do I have a first bid?
- $80.
- Wow.
- $85.
- It smells like sex in here.
- $90.
- $91.
- That’s a creepy threesome.
- Do I hear $92?
- $92.
- How much money do you have?
- Well with the five you gave me, $92.53.
- Okay bid it.
- What?
- You have to bid it, I want you to buy Nathan.
- Why?
- To keep him away from them.
- Going twice.
- Please, Peyton, please.
- $92.53.
- $109 and 40.
- Going once.
- Where’s that emergency 20. Come on. Where are you?
- Going twice.
- Oh! $112.53.
- Sold!
- Yes!
- Thank you.

Haley se despide de Nathan hasta medianoche:


- I am so excited to have Lucas all to myself for an evening. We have not had a night to just hang out in forever.
- Yeah, same goes for me and Nathan.
- I know you’re still into me, but $112? Hey you.
- Hey.
- How about you come see me around midnight?
- Sounds good. Don’t have fun.
- I wont. Alright, come on. Let’s get this over with.
- Funny. That’s what he’d say before we used to have sex.

La cita de Lucas y Haley:


- Haley, now this was a great idea.
- I know.
- Did you fill any with milk like we used to?
- Yeah I did. Some of them. I can’t do this stuff with Nathan. It just seems, I don’t know, does it seem childish?
- Well, yeah.
- Great!
- But in a good way.
- So, what’s your situation now?
- What do you mean?
- With Peyton? Or Brooke. Or bar-slut that I heard about.
- Okay. What’d you hear and who’d you hear it from?
- Just stuff… from people.
- I just want to play ball again. You know? Get over this damn drama. You know it wasn’t long ago I was happy playing hoops with the guys and hanging out with you.
- Yes, life was much simpler then, wasn’t it?
- I think I’m going to go call Nathan.
- Ohhh. You are so dead.
- I guess that one was a milk balloon.


- Luke? I’m all out of balloons. Can we please call a truce?
- Is it a real truce or a trick truce?
- It’s a real truce, I promise.
- Okay.
- Okay. Or not!
- No Luke, you’re going to hurt your shoulder. Oh you are so lucky. What?
- What’s on your back?
- Nothing.
- Haley, is that a tattoo?
- No. It’s nothing.
- Haley. 23. That’s great, Hales. You see, that’s why I don’t like the guy.
- Lucas.
- No, that’s just like him! To get you branded with his jersey number right above your ass?
- He doesn’t even know about it. I just, I just did it.
- By yourself?
- Yeah, by myself.
- Haley, why would you do that?
- Because I’m in love with him.


- Look, I didn’t mean to freak out on you up there, okay? But, a tattoo?
- You got one. You got one with a girl you’re not even dating anymore.
- I know. How stupid do I look?
- You hold me to a higher standard than everybody else, Luke, and it’s not fair.
- Look, I know it’s not fair, okay? But that’s because I’ve seen you be better than most people. Let me see it again. How long ago did you do it?
- A  few days ago.
- And Nathan had nothing to do with it?
- No, I told you, Nathan doesn’t know. Ugh, God, what am I going to do, Luke? I’m so, I hate being away from him, I think about him constantly. I was in the middle of a history quiz yesterday and I just totally zoned out on him. Maybe we’re not going to be together for the rest of our lives, but right now I’m in love for the first time and if I look at this tattoo 20 years from now, and it reminds me of how I feel today, I think I’ll be okay with that.
- Then why didn’t you buy Nathan at the auction? Why hide out with me?
- Because, I wanted to remember for a night the way that things were. Everything was so much simpler when it was just you and me. And I’m used to being self-confident, and sensible and... I just really feel like a mess right now.
- You’re not a mess. You’re just in love.
- And I’m not sure if he is.


- So Nathan got his own place.
- Yeah this is it. Oh crap. I left some cds for him in the car. I’ll be right back.
- No, I’ll come.
- No, it’s alright. Um, why don’t you go ahead and go on in, apartment 11. Hey, ask him if he’s in love with me, and if he says no, break up with him for me, okay?
- Okay.
- Great. Hey. Seriously. Say something nice, okay? I mean, he’s really a different person.
- Okay.
- Okay.


- He wasn’t there.
- Are you sure? Apartment 11?
- Yeah.
- Voice mail. Great. I guess he’s not done yet. I told you Peyton was easy.
- Come on, I’ll take you home.
- Okay.


- Well, did you have fun tonight, slave boy? Thanks for playing along.
- Look, Haley. I know we’ve grown apart a bit lately. And I know we have a lot a head of us, but... I just want you to know I’ll always be there for you. And if Nathan doesn’t see how special you really are, well, then he’s an idiot. Cause I think you’re amazing.
- Thanks, Luke. Oh, technically you owe me a goodnight kiss.
- Mm. Rules are rules, I guess.
- Yeah, I guess so.
- Here’s the thing, though, if your tongue comes anywhere near my mouth I’m just never speaking to you again.
- Hey, Haley. You’re going to be okay. I promise you that.

 La cita de Nathan y Peyton:


- So you’re planning to kill me?
- The painters must have left it. So what do you think of the new place?
- You really moved out, huh?
- Yeah. Judge declared me emancipated.
- Good for you, Nate.
- Come on. Check it out.
- So what, you got your big cool apartment but you don’t believe in furniture? Where are we supposed to eat?
- We got the bed.


- Sweet. You got a pool?
- Yeah. You want to go swimming?
- No, you are the boy toy you do what I say tonight.
- Oh, just like old times.
- Please. You did whatever you wanted and most of the time it was either sucky or mean.
- I know. But you let me.
- Well maybe I kept thinking you’d change. Live and learn, right? Is this thing heated?
- I don’t know, why don’t you check it out?
- Oh my god!
- I slipped.
- What?!
- I slipped. Hey, at least it’s heated.
- What happened to us, Peyton? We used to be good together.
- No, we weren’t. We just had sex a lot.
- You sure about that?
- Trust me. You’re the only guy I’ve been with. You knew that?.
- Yeah, I know, I just, I figured since we broke up, maybe...
- No.
- Yeah, me neither. It’s just sex, right?
- Okay, you know what, Nathan? Haley really deserves better than that. She really, really likes you and she’s good for you and more than that, she trusts you...
- I know that.
- And okay, fine. We could do it, right here in the pool, and nobody would know.
- Peyton…
- But I would know, and you would know, but I wouldn’t do that to Haley. Or myself. Or even you for that matter. Cause you know what? If you screw things up with your relationship with her, than you’re a bigger jackass than even I thought.
- I know it would hurt Haley. The only reason I mentioned it, was to let you know that I’m not pressuring her.
- Right. I knew that.
- You said I was good in bed.
- No, I didn’t.
- Oh yes you did.
- Oh, God, kill me.

- It’s nearly midnight. Looks like our date’s almost over.
- Yeah. I think I was hitting on you in the pool.
- You think you were?
- I don’t know anymore. This whole good guy thing, it’s new to me. I guess I’ll always have feelings for you, Peyton. But I owe it to Haley to be a better guy than I’ve been. I just don’t want to be the kind of guy that cheats on her.
- Then don’t be. Nathan, I’m proud of you. You know, standing up to your dad, and being a good guy for Haley. You’re turning into the kind of guy I always knew you could be.


- I better get going.
- Okay. I guess by rule, I owe you a kiss.
- I guess so.

Respecto al capítulo de hoy, me parece genial que Haley puje por Lucas, más aún, después del capítulo anterior donde Lucas deja claro que se siente un poco abandonado por parte de su mejor amiga. También el favor que le hace Peyton a Haley pujando por Nathan, porque la verdad que había mucha fresca suelta...En cuanto a los dos planes, aunque soy bastante piscinera, y más aun en plan gusta más el plan de Lucas y Haley de los globos, es bastante entrañable, por una noche todo vuelve a ser como antes, ellos dos solos. En cuanto al tatuaje, me parece un poco exagerada la reacción de Lucas, además como bien dice Haley, él no es el más indicado para hablar de dejarse marcar...Y por último no me gustó lo que dice Nathan, porque no parece que esté enamorado de Haley, parece que lo hace porque se lo debe y cuando lo ví me quedé un poco rayada porque yo estaba convencida que Nathan había superado a Peyton y estaba coladito por Haley...pero bueno fue algo momentáneo.

Bueno como el miércoles me voy unos días a Cádiz, este fin de semana si que publicaré para dejar terminada la primera temporada antes de irme. Y cuando vuelva, el día 10, empezaré con la segunda temporada.

Mañana más.


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