lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

1x04 Crash Into You


La relación de los Naley acaba de empezar. Después de que en el capítulo anterior Haley se decidiera a ayudar a Nathan con sus notas, tiene lugar un encontronazo entre los hermanos durante la fiesta que organiza Nathan después del partido en su casa de la playa que provoca una pequeña discusión entre los mejores amigos. Aunque después de esta discusión Haley decide terminar con lo de las tutorias, Nathan le abre su corazón y vuelve a pedirle ayuda. Al final Haley decide seguir con las clases pero con la condición de que deje a Lucas en paz. Por otro lado, Haley descubre que Nathan le ha contado a Peyton lo de las tutorias, pero ella sigue sin contarle nada a Lucas; aunque éste no tarda en enterarse al encontrar el gorro de Haley en el coche de Peyton.

En esta escena, Lucas y Haley llegan a la casa de la playa y Nathan se presenta a Haley como si no se conocieran:


-Hi. I’m Nathan Scott.
-Um, yeah, I know, I’m Haley.

Esta escena tiene lugar después de la discusión entre Haley y Lucas.


- Are you leaving?
- Nathan... we had a deal. You promised you were gonna be nice.
- I am nice. I invited him to this stinking party, didn’t I?
- Well, what for? So you could pick on him in public?...What did you say anyway?
- Oh, man. Is that what... I made a lame joke. I mean, look, the guys... sometimes we get kind of raw with each other. I was just trying to include him. He took it the wrong way.
- Well, maybe you need to rethink your approach.
- Well, you’re his friend. How do I handle this?
- It’s easy, stop being such a...jerk.

En esta escena Haley acaba con las tutorias:


- I thought you left.
- Yeah, I tried to. If the stupid cab would ever get here.
- Well, I’m glad you stayed. I want to thank you for holding back?
- What do you mean?
- Jerk is pretty tame. You could’ve called me a lot worse. I probably deserved it.
- Look, I’ve been thinking a lot about this tutoring thing. I’m sorry. I just don’t think it’s a good idea.
- Because of Lucas?
- Well, obviously, yeah. I don’t know what I was thinking. There’s no good that can possibly come of this.
- Really? I thought I saw you guys fight back there.
- Meaning what, that I should keep tutoring you to stick it to him? Maybe that’s how they do things in Nathan land, but I’m not going to do that to my best friend.
- Maybe you’re doing me a favor then
- What does that mean?
- Sometimes I think it would be easier if I got kicked off the team. Especially with my dad.
- I should go find Lucas, and just try and smooth things over.
- He left a while ago.
- Great. Well, I guess I’m walking.

- Let me give you a ride.
- It’s not that far.
- Forget it, you’re not going to walk. We’ll take Peyton’s car.
- I’m really fine.
- You’re a little high on yourself, aren’t you?
- Going around telling people you’re all fine.
- Look, please, juste take the ride. It’s the least I can do.

Esta es la última escena Naley del capítulo. Haley accede de nuevo a dar clases a Nathan.


- Yeah, this is my house. We’re staying here while we renovate the mansion.
- It’s not like I was trying to show off.
- Isn’t that your default setting. Sorry.
- Can I be honest with you?
- Yeah. I don’t know. You tell me.
- What I said at the beach... that was a lie. I’m really lucky to have basketball. It’s pretty much my shell to everything from here on out. If I lose it, it’s over for me.
- So, don’t lose it.
- Well, that’s just the thing. With my grades, I’m close to being ineligible to do the one thing that I’m actually good at. It’s not just my life, either. It’s my dad’s, too. It’s like he’s still got something to prove to Whitey. And if I screw it up, it’s gonna destroy him... And it will destroy me. Look, I know you have no reason to do this, and I know it’s just going to complicate things with Lucas, but... I really need your help.
- And I will find you someone else. I promise.
- No. I came to you because you’re the best tutor at the school. And you’re not going to tear me down. It’s not exactly easy having everybody know you’re failing. It’s you or nobody else.
- I... Okay.  I will... I will get you through the semester. And then you’ve got to be on your own. I’m serious.
- That’s totally fine with me.
- Okay... Great, so we’ll start on Monday. Lay off Lucas.

Aunque la intención de Nathan no sea buena, creo que estas dos conversaciones que tiene con Haley son totalmente sinceras, incluso diría que es la primera vez que se sincera con alguien. Ya se que se ha visto poco de la relación entre Peyton y Nathan pero creo que era una relación mas bien sexual que sentimental y desde que empieza a llevarse con Haley se descubre una faceta de él que no se conocía.

Perdón por actualizar tan tarde, pero llevo todo el día en la biblioteca y no he tenido tiempo. Y me temo que va a ser así toda la semana, intentaré ponerme las pilas el finde.

Mañana más.


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